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Transmetropolitan (comics) Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Juin - 12:00 par almagor

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 Transmetropolitan (comics)

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2 participants


Messages : 1107
Date d'inscription : 25/03/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : France

Transmetropolitan (comics) Empty
MessageSujet: Transmetropolitan (comics)   Transmetropolitan (comics) Icon_minitimeMer 14 Sep - 15:21

Extrait du comics "Transmetropolitan" :

Citation :
It really got started with a guy called Hans Moravec. It's him who coined the word "downloading". He was born Swiss but brought up in Canada, which probably explains why one day he woke up with the question: would intelligent robots be like people? Or would they be people?

Moravec was queer for robots in the worst way --not unlike your Ziang-- which explains why he woke up with that question, rather than beating down his morning hard-on like the rest of us.

Well, he got to thinking, if a guy has a prosthetic leg, is he still human? Sure it still does the same job, does what you tell it to. So how about it if he had two artificial legs? Artificial arms? A plastic heart? Carbon-fibre bones? Artificial neurons? Where do you stop being human?

Moravec figured you just didn't, then made the next leap: you could put a human mind into an entirely artificial body-- and that person would still be a person. You could download a mind from out of its --let's face it-- eminently crappy, badly designed human body and into a seriously useful and functionally immortal artificial form.

Now, I know you have a different perspective right now.. But I think it's a brilliant idea. And then, of course, the body perverts got involved. They point out that if it's the pure human mind that makes the artificial form human-- then the form itself doesn't have to look human.

Why be boring? Why not have some fun with the idea? I mean, this is postbiological man we're talking about here.

L'histoire ? Dans le futur un journaliste mondialement célèbre reprend du service après s'être rendu compte qu'il devait encore deux livres à une maison d'édition. Son objectif ? La vérité sur tous les sujets possibles.

J'ai lu les deux premiers tomes en anglais et je dois dire qu'on a là une BD de qualité ! Le rapport au H+ ne s'arrête pas là : on le voit interviewer des "transient", personnes qui décident de fusionner avec le génome d'espèces extra-terrestres, ou encore s'intéresser aux "revivals", personnes réveillées de leur neuropréservation et n'arrivant pas à faire face au monde nouveau qui les accueille.

Transmetropolitan (comics) Dab960dd3f3042614e2f395b4bb2att

C'est crade, c'est violent, c'est cyberpunk mais c'est aussi très drôle et très intelligent.
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Rémi R

Rémi R

Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Paris

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MessageSujet: Re: Transmetropolitan (comics)   Transmetropolitan (comics) Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 18:11

Le transient à un badge de smiley similaire à celui dans "Watchmen".
Y a t'il un rapport entre ces deux univers?
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Messages : 1107
Date d'inscription : 25/03/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : France

Transmetropolitan (comics) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmetropolitan (comics)   Transmetropolitan (comics) Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 19:14

Warren Ellis respecte Alan Moore donc c'est possible.
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MessageSujet: Re: Transmetropolitan (comics)   Transmetropolitan (comics) Icon_minitime

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